The Value of Losartan Suppression Test in the Confirmatory Diagnosis of Primary Aldosteronism in Patients Over 50 Years Old


The diagnosis of primary aldosteronism (PA) among the older-aged population has posed a crucial challenge. Among patients over 50 years old, this trial assessed comparability of the performance of two PA diagnostic tests: losartan and captopril suppression tests. The losartan test showed comparable accuracy to confirm PA. Verification of this “elderly-friendly” confirmatory test will be the first step to prepare the specific diagnostic model of PA for older-aged population.

Authors: Chin-Chi Kuo, Poojitha Balakrishnan, Yenh-Chen Hsein, Vin-Cent Wu, Shih-Chieh Jeff Chueh, Yung-Ming Chen, Kwan-Dun Wu, Ming-Jiuh Wang, TAIAPI group
Keywords: primary aldosteronism, aldosterone-renin ratio, plasma aldosterone concentration, plasma renin activity, hypertension, captopril, losartan
DOI Number: 10.1177/1470320313498632      Publication Year: 2014

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