Recurrent Calcium Nephrolithiasis Associated With Primary Aldosteronism


Typical manifestations of hyperaldosteronism include salt retention, hypokalemia, and metabolic alkalosis. However, a consequence infrequently recognized and described is hypocitraturia. In combination with hypercalciuria, aldosterone-induced hypocitraturia can trigger calcium nephrolithiasis. The authors report a case of an individual with primary hyperaldosteronism from an adrenal adenoma that resulted in hypocitraturia. The patient had severe recurrent renal calcium calculi that corrected with adrenalectomy. The clinical physiology of renal calcium and citrate handling in hyperaldosteronism is reviewed.

Authors: Jason Shey, Mary Ann Cameron, Khashayar Sakhaee, Orson W Moe
Keywords: calcium, metabolism, citrates, adrenalectomy, kidney calculi
DOI Number: 10.1053/j.ajkd.2004.03.037      Publication Year: 2004

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