Outcomes in Unilateral Primary Aldosteronism After Surgical or Medical Therapy


Studies find surgery superior to medications in treatment of primary aldosteronism (PA). It would be ideal to compare surgical and medical therapy in patients with unilateral PA only, who have the option between these treatment modalities. However, this is challenging as most patients with unilateral PA on adrenal vein sampling (AVS) undergo surgery. The objective of the study was to compare outcomes of surgery and medications in patients with confirmed or likely unilateral PA. In patients with unilateral PA who can tolerate medications, medical therapy improves clinical and biochemical control, and may offer similar cardiovascular protection. However, surgery reduces pill burden, may cure hypertension, and is recommended for unilateral PA.

Authors: Troy H. Puar, Lih M. Loh, Wann J. Loh, Dawn S. T. Lim, Meifen Zhang, Pei T. Tan, Lynette Lee, Du S. Swee, Joan Khoo, Donovan Tay, Sarah Y. Tan, Ling Zhu, Linsey Gani, Thomas F. King, Peng C. Kek, Roger S. Foo
Keywords: aldosteronism, surgical vs medical treatment outcomes
DOI Number: 10.1111/cen.14351      Publication Year: 2020

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