Outcomes After Adrenalectomy for Unilateral Primary Aldosteronism: An International Consensus on Outcome Measures and Analysis of Remission Rates in an International Cohort


Although unilateral primary aldosteronism is the most common surgically correctable cause of hypertension, no standard criteria exist to classify surgical outcomes. We aimed to create consensus criteria for clinical and biochemical outcomes and follow-up of adrenalectomy for unilateral primary aldosteronism and apply these criteria to an international cohort to analyze the frequency of remission and identify preoperative determinants of successful outcome. These standardized outcome criteria are relevant for the assessment of the success of surgical treatment in individual patients and will allow the comparison of outcome data in future studies. The variable baseline clinical characteristics of our international cohort contributed to wide variation in clinical outcomes. Most patients derive clinical benefit from adrenalectomy, with younger patients and female patients more likely to have a favorable surgical outcome. Screening for primary aldosteronism should nonetheless be done in every individual fulfilling US Endocrine Society guideline criteria because biochemical success without clinical success is by itself clinically important and older women and men can also derive post-operative clinical benefit.

Authors: Tracy A Williams, Jacques W M Lenders, Paolo Mulatero, Jacopo Burrello, Marietta Rottenkolber, Christian Adolf, Fumitoshi Satoh, Laurence Amar, Marcus Quinkler, Jaap Deinum, Felix Beuschlein, Kanako K Kitamoto, Uyen Pham, Ryo Morimoto, Hironobu Umakoshi, Aleksander Prejbisz, Tomaz Kocjan, Mitsuhide Naruse, Michael Stowasser, Tetsuo Nishikawa, William F Young, Jr, Celso E Gomez-Sanchez, John W Funder, Martin Reincke
Keywords: adrenalectomy, treatment, outcomes
DOI Number: 10.1016/S2213-8587(17)30135-3      Publication Year: 2017

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