Laboratory Challenges in Primary Aldosteronism Screening and Diagnosis


The laboratory has a critical role to play in the screening and diagnosis of primary aldosteronism. This review highlights some of the important analytical considerations and the new developments in the determination of aldosterone and renin. The review considered the published literature and clinical practice guidelines in the area of primary aldosteronism. The lack of internationally accepted standardized methodologies and standard reference material has impeded screening and diagnosis of primary aldosteronism. The development of more accurate and sensitive methods by LC-MS/MS has improved the reliability of aldosterone and renin testing and the availability of commercial chemiluminescent assays may improve the standardization of reporting. Laboratorians need to understand the strengths and weaknesses of their analytical approach and ensure that their interpretative reports are appropriate to their assays.

Authors: Muhammad Rehan, Joshua E. Raizman, Etienne Cavalier, Andrew C. Don-Wauchope, Daniel T. Holmes
Keywords: aldosterone, hypertension, mineralocorticoid, plasma renin activity, primary aldosteronism
DOI Number: 10.1016/j.clinbiochem.2015.01.003      Publication Year: 2015

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