Increased Diagnosis of Primary Aldosteronism, Including Surgically Correctable Forms, in Centers from Five Continents


Primary aldosteronism (PA) is a common form of endocrine hypertension previously believed to account for less than 1% of hypertensive patients. Hypokalemia was considered a prerequisite for pursuing diagnostic tests for PA. Recent studies applying the plasma aldosterone/plasma renin activity ratio (ARR) as a screening test have reported a higher prevalence. This study is a retrospective evaluation of the diagnosis of PA from clinical centers in five continents before and after the widespread use of the ARR as a screening test. The application of this strategy to a greater number of hypertensives led to a 5- to 15-fold increase in the identification of patients affected by PA. Only a small proportion of patients (between 9 and 37%) were hypokalemic. The annual detection rate of aldosterone-producing adenoma (APA) increased in all centers (by 1.3-6.3 times) after the wide application of ARR. Aldosterone-producing adenomas constituted a much higher proportion of patients with PA in the four centers that employed adrenal venous sampling (28-50%) than in the center that did not (9%). In conclusion, the wide use of the ARR as a screening test in hypertensive patients led to a marked increase in the detection rate of PA.

Authors: Paolo Mulatero, Michael Stowasser, Keh-Chuan Loh, Carlos E. Fardella, Richard D. Gordon, Lorena Mosso, Celso E. Gomez-Sanchez, Franco Veglio, William F. Young, Jr.
Keywords: aldosteronism, diagnosis rate, ARR
DOI Number: 10.1210/jc.2003-031337      Publication Year: 2004

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