Evolution of the Primary Aldosteronism Syndrome: Updating the Approach


New approaches are needed to address the evolution of the primary aldosteronism syndrome and to increase its recognition. Herein, we review evidence indicating that primary aldosteronism is a prevalent syndrome that is mostly unrecognized, and present a pragmatic and pathophysiology-based approach to improve diagnosis and treatment. Evidence was gathered from published guidelines and studies identified from PubMed by searching for primary aldosteronism, aldosterone, renin, and hypertension. This evidence was supplemented by the authors’ personal knowledge, research experience, and clinical encounters in primary aldosteronism. The landscape of primary aldosteronism has evolved to recognize that it is a prevalent syndrome of renin-independent aldosterone production that contributes to the pathogenesis of hypertension and cardiovascular disease. Expanding screening indications and simplifying the diagnostic approach will enable implementation of targeted treatment for primary aldosteronism.

Authors: Anand Vaidya, Robert M Carey
Keywords: aldosterone, renin, adrenal, diagnostic techniques, hyperaldosteronism, primary aldosteronism, hypertension, mass screening, prevalence
DOI Number: 10.1210/clinem/dgaa606      Publication Year: 2020

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