Age- and Sex-specific Reference Ranges Are Needed for the Aldosterone/Renin Ratio


Current Endocrine Society Clinical Practice Guidelines use a specific aldosterone/renin ratio (ARR) threshold to screen for primary aldosteronism (a treatable disease causing up to 15% of hypertension in primary care) in all patients. We sought to characterize demographic variations in the ARR, hypothesizing a need for age- and sex-specific reference ranges to improve the accuracy of the test. For those 20-39 years old, aldosterone and the ARR are significantly higher in females despite a lower systolic and diastolic BP, highlighting the potential for false-positive results. Our findings indicate the need for prospective studies with a control population to define age- and sex-specific ARR reference ranges.

Authors: Pravik Solanki, Stella May Gwini, James C. G. Doery, Kay Weng Choy, Jimmy Shen, Morag J. Young, Peter J. Fuller, Jun Yang
Keywords: age, aldosterone, diagnostic techniques, endocrine, hyperaldosteronism, hypertension, renin, sex, gender
DOI Number: 10.1111/cen.14199      Publication Year: 2020

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